Odds Converter Calculator: American, Decimal, Fraction, and Implied Probability Odds

Odds Converter Calculator

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(For probability suffix with %)
You can mix and match various odds formats. For Decimal odds that are higher than 100 include the decimal point or it will be interpreted as American odds.

Learn About the Odds Converter

Being able to move between different odds formats is important for bettors who may be approaching markets that are displayed in varying odds formats. The Odds Converter will allow you to translate odds between American, fractional or decimal.

But even more important is the ability to convert any of those odds into an implied probability – in other words, knowing that a bet at -110 is implied to have a 52.4 percent probability of occurring. Knowing the difference in probability of an event occurring and the odds offered by a sportsbook is the cornerstone of sound betting strategy.

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